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As a member of ASPN you choose to:

  • Support efforts to work with the Americorps Seniors agency to share your concerns and questions.

  • Support advocacy efforts and educate Congressional members to ensure that they understand the value and impact of the program in their communities.

  • Benefit from regional cluster representatives to communicate your specific issues or concerns to the Americorps Seniors agency.

  • Interact with fellow FGP/SCP staff members to share expertise, build networks, and learn tips to benefit your program through our members-only google groups.

  • Support efforts to provide professional development specific to Americorps Seniors programs.

As a member of ASPN you benefit by:

  • Members-only google groups where you can share ideas and ask questions. 

  • Full-time Washington D.C. representative who advocates for the Americorps Seniors programs and volunteers.

  • Updates through Facebook, members-only google group, and your regional representatives.

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