Serving as the principal advocate for stipended Americorps Seniors programs since 1971!

Becoming ASPN!

In 2020, CNCS underwent an agency Transformation & Sustainability process that resulted in new branding. Former Senior Corps programs were re-branded as AmeriCorps Seniors. Several SCP directors came to NAFGPD and expressed an interest in becoming professional members of the association. In response to that request and after much deliberation, the NAFGPD board voted to pursue the change in the both the association name and mission to include advocacy on behalf of SCP and FGP. The name AmeriCorps Seniors Professional Network was adopted through a vote of eligible members in early 2021, and the Articles of Incorporation were amended to reflect the change. The mission of the association remains much the same today as when it was formed in 1971: to advocate nationally on behalf of stipend programs to succeed locally in our communities.
Why I Belong?
“I have been a member of ASPN for 7 years. I have found the list serve to be an invaluable resource―they have helped me solve many problems through the years. And, as a former board alternate, I have made connections and friendships with other directors from across the country that I cherish. I highly recommend a membership in ASPN and would encourage anyone with an interest in advocating for FGP and SCP programs to consider serving on the board.”
Debby Shuck, Executive Director
Senior Action, Inc.

How to advocate!
Tips for "Educating" Your Congressional Delegation! Grantees are not allowed to “advocate” Members of Congress while on grant time.
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